Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Disaster Recovery Services

Disaster Donations Coordination

Organizations that assume responsibility in the aftermath of a major disaster or large-scale emergency for soliciting and/or collecting donations from the general public and distributing those items to people who have suffered a loss and are currently in need. Donations may include critical services, money, groceries, drinking water, blankets, personal comfort kits, disposable diapers, clothing, household goods, medical supplies, cleaning supplies, hand tools, plastic sheeting, tar paper, building materials and other relief supplies.

Disaster Loans

Programs that provide low-interest loans for people whose homes, personal property or businesses have been destroyed or have suffered disaster-related damage. Some programs require that the community be declared a disaster area by the President or the Governor before making the loans available.

Disaster Related Case Management

Programs that provide a single point of contact for disaster assistance applicants who need a wide variety of services that may be provided by many different organizations. The objective is to create a coordinated system that enables an individual or family who has survived a disaster to provide information about their situation to one organization that serves as their advocate and helps them organize and access disaster related resources and implement a recovery plan that will help them achieve pre-disaster levels of functioning and equilibrium. Disaster-related case managers assess the individual's needs, coordinate the delivery of needed services, ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the recovery plan, and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem. The service is particularly critical in situations where large-scale deaths and injuries have occurred.

Disaster Service Centers/Hotlines

Programs that establish one-stop centers that may be staffed by representatives from local, state and federal agencies, insurance companies and other disaster-related providers; or which operate hotlines that enable people to apply for financial and/or other assistance and/or to obtain the information they need to stabilize their current situation and begin to recover.
