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Viewing 1-10 of 156 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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AARP Foundation SCSEP (Fort Pierce)

Provides opportunities for individuals age 55+ with income below 125% of the federal poverty level to obtain new job knowledge, enhance their skills and gain a competitive edge in today's job market.

Services: Senior Community Service Employment Programs

800 Virginia Avenue Suite 55

Fort Pierce, FL 34982

(772) 336-3330

AARP Foundation SCSEP (Melbourne)

Helps low income job seekers age 55 and over gain the skills needed to re-enter or remain in the workforce.

Services: Senior Community Service Employment Programs

17 East Hibiscus Avenue, Suite 211

Melbourne, FL 32901

(321) 956-1444

AARP Foundation Worksearch (Palm Beach County)

The AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides temporary work experience assignments for people age 55 and over whose incomes fall at or below the federal poverty line.

Services: Senior Community Service Employment Programs

2090 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Suite 303

West Palm Beach, FL 33409

(561) 471-9828

Access Florida Neighborhood Locations (Palm Beach County)

Provides a listing of Access Florida Neighborhood Locations.

Services: Medicaid Applications, TANF Applications

Online Directory

West Palm Beach, FL 33407

(866) 762-2237

Access Florida Neighborhood Locations (Treasure Coast)

Provides a listing of Access Florida Neighborhood Locations.

Services: Medicaid Applications, TANF Applications

Online Directory

Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953

(866) 762-2237

Adult, Secondary and Virtual Education Programs (Martin County)

Provides vocational adult community education programs.

Services: Adult Basic Education, Job Training Formats, Technical/Trade Schools

1939 Southeast Federal Highway

Stuart, FL 34994

(772) 219-1200

Agency for Health Care Administration Field Office 11

Locally, this agency provides information and counseling on Medicaid coverage services and billing information at (800) 953-0555 or visit website www.

Services: State Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Programs

8333 Northwest 53rd Street, Suite 200

Miami, FL 33166

(877) 254-1055

Agency for Health Care Administration Field Office 7

Locally, this agency provides information and counseling on Medicaid coverage services and billing information at (877) 254-1055 or visit website www.

Services: State Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Programs

400 West Robinson Street, Suite S309

Orlando, FL 32801

(877) 254-1055

Agency for Persons with Disabilities (Area 9/15)

APD supports individuals with unique abilities and their families in living, learning and working within their communites by creating multiple pathways to possibilities.

Services: Individual Advocacy, State Medicaid Waiver Programs

111 South Sapodilla Avenue -Suite 204

West Palm Beach, FL 33401

(561) 837-5564

A Lil Jesus Outreach Ministry

Provides meals, assists with job search and preparation.

Services: Job Search/Placement, Meals, Soup Kitchens

1704 West 13th Street

West Palm Beach, FL 33404

(561) 388-6811

Viewing 1-10 of 156 results (listed by best match)

