The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Estate Planning Assistance
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to use the tools appropriate in their state to express their wishes regarding future medical treatment should they become incapacitated and/or to name the individual they would like to make health care decisions on their behalf. Included are programs that provide copies of necessary forms as well as those that help people complete them.
Programs that provide assistance for people with disabilities and their families who want to develop a comprehensive life plan which ensures a secure future for the person should the parents become incapacitated or die. Components of the plan may include goals for the individual with a disability; protection for the individual's spouse and/or dependent children; decisions regarding place of residence, health care, personal care, education and employment; identification of community resources to meet the individual's needs; provisions for financial security; appointment of an advocate or guardian to support the individual; and preparation of a Last Will and Testament, durable power of attorney, living trust, special needs trust or other legal mechanism for ensuring that the provisions of the life plan will be implemented as required.
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to prepare a trust which transfers all or some of their property to a trustee who holds or manages that property on behalf of a beneficiary (which may include the individual who initiates the trust). The rights of beneficiaries and the rights, powers and responsibilities of the trustee are included in the trust document. Trusts may be revocable (can be altered or revoked) or irrevocable (cannot be altered or canceled once written but carry special tax benefits); can take effect immediately or can be established as standby trusts, ready to receive assets if the individual becomes disabled; can be established as testamentary trusts which take effect after the death of the individual under the terms or conditions of his/her will; or can be supplemental benefits or luxury trusts which are used to transfer assets to a person who may receive public benefits and could be used to fund items not covered by the benefits without affecting the individual's benefit eligibility.